How To Fix LG Washer That Fills and Drains At The Same Time

How To Fix LG Washer That Fills and Drains At The Same Time

If you’ve ever been thinking about the reason why your LG washing machine is filling up and draining at the same time, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue and is caused by a variety of factors. We’ll be discussing the most frequent causes, as well as providing step by step instructions on fixing an appliance from LG that has both drains and fills at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert DIYer or just a newbie repairer, this guide can help you get your LG washer back in good working order in no time.

Water Inlet Valve

The water inlet valve on your LG washing machine allows you to fill the tub up with cold, warm or hot water to wash and rinse cycles. The electric solenoids regulate the valve. They are controlled by the electronic control board including the timer, water level control/water selector switch or the pressure switch. If your LG washer is filling up when draining the water inlet valve may be at fault. If the issue continues you should unplug the washer. If the LG washer does not stop filling, then the valve inlet is not functioning properly. The problem could be related to the circuit controlling the valve. How to test the water inlet valve in a LG washing machine using a multi-meter:

  1. Remove the water supply and the power source of your LG washer before beginning.
  2. The valve has to be removed in order to test it; it will be located behind the hose connections. To remove the valve, it is necessary to disassemble the cabinet of your washer.
  3. There are screens inside the valve that have become blocked by dirt and debris. You should clean up any dirt or debris that you find. These screens cannot be sold separately and will have to be replaced should they become damaged. Also, check the valve’s exterior for cracking or wear and tear.
  4. The owner’s manual of your appliance will show you the resistance readings for valves that are functional. They vary between LG washer models. Once you have the correct reading, set the multimeter’s Rx1 setting to connect the terminals of the valve’s terminals.
  5. If your valve does not have continuity, you can use the LG replacement valve.

Water level switch or pressure switch and air dome tube

The water level switch, activated by water pressure can be used to regulate the level of the water in the tub. It is typically located behind the control panel and may include a hose or a dome tube that connects to the tub. For LG washers, which have an electronic control it is possible that this switch will be situated in the bottom of the sump, under the tub. The water will fill up the tub and then compress the air inside, pressing against the diaphragm. The switch controls the valve for water inlet and stop the valve at the right level of water. What is the best way do you test the water level control switch in a LG washing machine

  1. Since you’ll work with electrical components, make sure that you have unplugged your appliance prior to starting.
  2. Start by opening the LG cabinet to the washer. Then, remove the air dome hose. Place the hose into water and seal the end.
  3. Then blow the opposite end of the hose into the water. You’ll need to replace the air dome hose if bubbles begin to form.
  4. The switch and the Hose for signs of fraying or cracking wear, or damage.
  5. You can replace your water level switch when it’s damaged.

In conclusion we can say that it is true that a LG washer that drains and fills simultaneously could be a grueling issue to tackle If you have the right knowledge and tools this issue is fixable. If you can identify the main causes like a blocked drain hose, an inoperable water intake valve or an inoperable pressure switch, you can repair your LG washer back in good and running in no time. For more details, be sure to consult the LG washer’s owner’s manual. Unplug your appliance before beginning any repairs. With just a bit of patience and experience you’ll have your LG washing machine operating as new in no time.