How To Diagnose A Faulty Hoover Refrigerator Water Inlet Valve

The Hoover refrigerator water supply valve is a crucial component. It is responsible for supplying water to the dispenser and ice maker. It can cause problems like low pressure or no ice making, leaks, and no water ice. It is important to diagnose the source of a Hoover refrigerator’s water inlet valve malfunction. This will make sure that your refrigerator is operating properly. In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide that will help you determine if you have a faulty Hoover refrigerator water inlet valve. This will include the most common signs to look for and the simple tests you can perform to identify the issue. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge to diagnose and possibly fix the problem, saving you both time and money when you hire an repair service.

Where to find the Hoover refrigerator’s water intake valve

For a check of the Hoover refrigerator water valve, disconnect the power cord and shut off the water supply to the refrigerator. The majority of food items are safe if left in the refrigerator, as long that the doors are shut The power will be turned cut off for around 30 minutes while checking the valve. Keep your hands safe by wearing gloves. The water valve is typically located in the rear of the bottom of the Hoover refrigerator. The Hoover water inlet valve can malfunction either mechanically or electrically.

Examine the valve for electrical problems

You can test for electrical issues by opening the Hoover refrigerator’s water valve which is usually situated on the bottom of the cabinet. Utilize a digital or an analog multimeter to check continuity-good electrical currents of the solenoid coils.

The water supply wire must be disconnected from the valve. Then, you must disconnect the wires from the terminals of the solenoid coils. Each model has two terminals. Therefore, the number of coils differ.

Set the multimeter to the lowest Ohms of resistance setting, and ensure the meter has been calibrated correctly.

Install a probe on one terminal and then place the second probe on the other terminal. Repeat this procedure for every solenoid coil.

If the meter reads infinite Ohms of resistance, the display on a digital gauge does not change much , or the needle of an analog meter doesn’t move, the valve has no continuity and is bad.

Checking the valve for mechanical issues

In order to determine if there is an internal failure in the water valve, it’s the easiest to eliminate a supply water issue.

Unplug the water supply from the Hoover water tap.

Put a bucket underneath the water supply line.

Switch on the water at the line for supply and examine the flow.

The problem may be in your water supply, if the water flow is weak or uneven. A strong, steady flow could mean that the Hoover valve is restricted or clogged.

In the end, a malfunctioning Hoover water inlet valve may cause a wide range of issues that affect the functioning of your refrigerator’s ice maker or water dispenser. By following the step-by step guideline provided in this post, it is possible to find the issue and fix it yourself without having to contact a repair company. Be sure to take the proper security precautions while working with electrical components or water. If the problem continues to persist or you aren’t at ease performing the tests, it is always best to seek out a professional technician for help. It is possible to keep your refrigerator’s water valve in good working order and make sure it provides you with fresh, clean water and Ice for a long time.