How To Fix Bosch Washer That Won’t Stop Filling With Water

You’ve probably experienced the frustration of having a Bosch washing-machine that wouldn’t stop overflowing with water. Not only does it waste the water and energy it could also cause harm to your floors or even to your Bosch washing machine itself.

We’ll discuss common problems and offer step-by step directions to fix a Bosch washer that continues to fill up with water. There’s all the necessary information to solve your Bosch washer, no matter if you are a professional or a beginner. If you’re eager to fix that pesky Bosch washer, read on!


Water Inlet Valve:

The Water Inlet Valve of your Bosch washing machine is used to water the tub with cold, hot or warm water. The valve operates using electronic solenoids controlled by the electronic control board, or timer and also the water level control/water level selector switch or pressure switch. If your Bosch washer is filling up in a single cycle it is possible that the valve for water inlet could be at fault. To check if the valve is at fault, unplug the Bosch washer when the symptom occurs.

If the Bosch washer continues to fill, it is likely that the valve for water inlet is defective. The issue could be within the electrical circuit that controls the valve. How to check the water inlet valve in aBosch washing machine using the multi-meter:

  1. As with other tests, be sure to have turned off the power supply to your Bosch appliance prior to starting. You will be conducting electrical tests on the components.
  2. Find and open the valve that opens your water supply. It’s usually located just behind the hose connections; you will need remove the panel on the rear in order to access it.
  3. Visually inspect the valve to see if there are any signs of damage or wear. You’ll have to replace the entire valve if there are screens.
  4. A multi-meter is used to Rx1, touch the probes to the terminals of the valve. The value you’ll receive will differ from model to so consult the owner’s manual to determine the you should receive from your test.
  5. If the valve you are using is damaged or if your test results are not in line with the results recommended, you will need Bosch replacement water inlet valve.


Level switch and pressure switch and air dome tube

The water level switch, which is activated by water pressure is used to control the water level in the tub. This switch is normally situated in the back of the control panel and may contain a hose, or air dome tube that connects to the tub. The switch can be found below the tub in Bosch washers with an electronic control. When the water is filled into the tub it will compress the air in the tube. It will then push against an internal diaphragm within the switch.

The switch will control the valve for water inlet and switch off the valve when it reaches the correct water level. The washer may overfill if the tube damaged or leaky. The switch could be damaged and cause the washer to fill excessively. How do you check the water level switch in aBosch washing machine:

  1. It will involve electrical components, so be sure that you disconnect the washing machine from the electrical supply before beginning.
  2. Open your Bosch washer’s cabinet to locate and remove the switch for water level as well as the air dome tube. Once you have removed them, plug the one end of the air dome tube, immerse it in water and blow through the other end. An undamaged hose will not have any bubbles coming out of it. 
  3. Examine the hose and valve for wear, cracks or damage.
  4. If there are any problems during the above inspections, you may need Bosch replacement water switch for the level.


In conclusion, a Bosch washing machine that isn’t running out of water can be an aggravating and costly issue to tackle. If you are aware of the common causes of this issue and taking the correct steps to address it, you’ll be able to save time and money. This article can help you repair your Bosch washer, regardless whether it’s a problem in the water level switch or with the inlet valve.

Before you tackle any repairs you should review the instruction manual of the washer. It’ll give specific steps to troubleshoot and security precautions. If you’re not sure if your issue can be solved on your own, it’s recommended to call experts to handle the repairs. With a little knowledge and the right technique, you can fix Bosch washers that won’t fill up with water. After that, go back to laundry.