How to Fix Bosch Washer That Has No Hot or Cold Water

A Bosch washer that’s not operating properly can cause a lot of problems, especially if it won’t use cold or hot water. It can be difficult to wash clothes that have become dirty, and also costly to hire a professional to fix the problem. The good news is that many issues related to hot or cold water inside a Bosch washer can be easily fixed by the home owner.

In this article, we will go over some common causes of a washing machine with no hot or cold water and offer step-by-step guidance on how to fix the problem. From investigating the water supply to figuring out the problem with the thermostat, we’ll go over everything that you require to ensure that your washer runs smoothly once more. You can save money by not having to repair the washer that isn’t hot or cold.


Inlet Hoses & Screens

Bosch washing machines are connected to the home water supply through fill hoses. These hoses usually measure about around 4-5 feet long and typically have an aluminum or wire mesh screen inserted into the end of the hose which is connected to the faucet. The screen blocks sediment from entering the valve for water inlet which is located on the back of the appliance. How to inspect the condition of your Bosch washing machines screens and hoses:

  1. Start by making sure that the hoses and faucets are clean.
  2. Shut off the faucets. disconnect the fill hoses and the valve that is inlet, and examine the screens that comprise the valve. Take out any debris or sediment you find.
  3. To verify that you have adequate water pressure to fill the hoses put the hose’s ends in an empty tub or bucket. Then switch on the faucet. Check the hose screens for damage or dirt buildup if you don’t have enough pressure.
  4. You’ll require replacement hoses and screens from Bosch if you find any problems during these examinations.


Water Inlet Vavle

The Water Inlet valve in your Bosch washing machine provides hot and cool water for the rinse and wash. The valve will have two solenoids, which control the inlets for both the hot and cold water supplies. The valve can be controlled by a electronic control, timer, and water temperature cycle selector. The valve is controlled by the electronic control or timer along with the water temperature/cycle selector switch, and the water level/pressure switch. How to test the water intake valve inside theBosch washing machine with the multi-meter:

  1. Before beginning the inspection, make sure that your washing machine is unplugged from the power source and water supply.
  2. In order to remove the valve to test, take out all or part the Bosch washer cabinet. The valve should be found directly behind the hose connections.
  3. Visually inspect the Bosch washer’s valve to see if there is cracks, wear or damage. It has screens within it that might have built on debris or dirt. If so, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned. If these screens become damaged it is necessary to replace the entire valve.
  4. The resistance of a properly operating valve can vary from model to model. look up the manual for your particular model to determine what the results of your test should be. Set the probes on the terminals of the valve using the RX1 setting on your multimeter.
  5. If you do not get any readings that indicate continuity, you’ll need an Bosch replacement valve for the water intake.


Lid Switch

The lid switch in top load Bosch washer machine is a safety device made to prevent the motor circuit from working when the lid is not closed. Certain models also come with the water inlet valve circuit that is controlled. The models come with a lid switch that controls the power supply. It is recommended to inspect the lid switch to determine if the water inlet valve in your Bosch washer has stopped receiving electricity. How to check the lid switch on a Bosch washer:

  1. Before starting, be sure that the Bosch washer is disconnected from the outlet.
  2. In order to locate the switch, you’ll be required to remove the cabinet’s top or top panel. Once you’ve found it, be sure the actuators as well as the levers aren’t stuck or damaged. Additionally, be sure the switch is being used mechanically.
  3. If no issues are found above, take the switch off in order to test it to ensure continuity. You can also set your multimeter at Rx1.
  4. Press down on the button to trigger the switch. Next utilize the probes to make contact with the terminals. The result should be of zero or near zero.
  5. If you get a different reading, you will need a Bosch replacement lid switch.


Selector Swap or Temperature Shift:

The selector switch, also known as a water temperature switch, selects the temperature of water to be utilized for the wash and rinse parts of the cycle. The switch has a circuit to provide power to the correct solenoids on the valve that opens the water. If there is no electricity to the solenoids located on the water inlet valve, then the temperature selector switch may be malfunctioning. What to do to test a Bosch washing machine selector switch with the aid of a multimete.

  1. Since you will be removing and conducting tests on electrical components, be sure that you disconnect your Bosch washer prior to beginning.
  2. For testing your appliance, remove the selector switch. Also, you will need to take apart all or any of the cabinets for the washer. In most models, it’s attached to the frame of the Bosch washing machine.
  3. Each button on the switch will be tested one-by-one. Start by placing the probes on the buttons’ terminals and your reading should read infinity at this point, press the button. This will bring your reading back to zero, press in on another button, this should change the reading back to infinity.
  4. If your readings are not consistent with the above descriptions You will have to change your selector switch by Bosch.


Water Pressure Switch

The water level switch, which forms part of the water valve circuit that is activated by pressure device. The switch is usually located behind the control panel and may have a hose or air dome tube connecting it to the tub. For Bosch washers with an electronic control, this switch might be situated in the sump area below the tub. The switch could stop providing electricity to the valve that supplies water when it’s damaged. How to test the water level switch in the Bosch washing machine:

  1. As with most repairs, you must disconnect the power source to your Bosch appliance before starting.
  2. While the switch might be the cause but a defective air dome hose may cause the same signs as a defective switch. You can open the cabinet of your washer to locate the issue and remove the air dome hose. Close one end, then blow the other end while it’s still submerged water. No bubbles should be visible.
  3. To examine the appliance for indications of wear, cracks or damage, or any other problems and other issues, take off the switch. The switch is most likely located within the sump area beneath the tub or in the area behind your control panel.
  4. You may require a replacement water level switch from Bosch If you spot any flaws while performing the above tests.


Timer or Electronic Control

The timer or electronic control is used to determine whether the valve that is used to supply water receives the power. A series of electrical contacts form the mechanical timer. These contacts are controlled by small motors and cams. During the fill, wash and rinse parts of the cycle, these contacts provide power to the water outlet valve circuit. What can you do to check the control of the timer in a Bosch washing machine using a multi-meter:

  1. To locate the timer, unplug your Bosch washer and take out the control panel and the rear panel.
  2. Take the timer out of the Bosch washer. Do not pull directly on the wires, but instead pull the connectors made of metal connected to the wires.
  3. Set the multi-meter’s setting to Rx1, and while pressing into the button (if it is applicable), place the probes on the terminals that regulate the motor (refer to the wiring diagram). You are testing for continuity. You should see an error of zero or nearly zero.
  4. If the test you are taking results in a different reading then you’ll need a Bosch replacement timer.


In the end the conclusion is that an Bosch washer that is not running hot or cold water might be a hassle to tackle, but it’s often an simple fix. By following the steps outlined in this post, you will be able to identify and repair common problems like clogged hoses, faulty valves, and incorrect temperatures for the water. Always unplug the Bosch washer before making any repairs, and if you are unsure about any aspect of the procedure you should look up the manual for the manufacturer or contact a professional for assistance. With just a bit of time and perseverance you’ll be able to get your Bosch washer working smoothly and efficiently. This will save your time and effort from dirty clothes and the cost of repairs.